Daniel P. Whitmire, Ph.D.
email: dpwhitmi@uark.edu
Born: Yes! Greenville, SC, 1943 AD, grew up in Columbus, GA
Education: Ph.D. in Astrophysics from University of Texas at Austin
Professor of Physics (Ret.) University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Current position: Instructor of Mathematics, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Reason for relocation to Fayetteville: Family matters
Current research interests: Astrobiology and Planetary Dynamics
Publications: About 65, including 8 in Nature. My old webpage at the University of Louisiana lists some selected publications. Most cited paper in scientific journals so far is "Habitable zones around main sequence stars" with J. Kasting and R. T. Reynolds, Icarus 1993, 101, 108 (2300 citations). Second most cited paper is "Are periodic mass extinctions driven by a distant solar companion?" (Nemesis) with A. A. Jackson (1984, Nature, 308, 713 (266 scientific citations). Most read paper "Implication of our technological species being first and early" D. P. Whitmire, International Journal of Astrobiology, 2017, www.cambridge.org/whitmire-08.17 (46,000 full article views and downloads). Most recent published paper: "Habitability of large elliptical galaxies" in MNRAS 2020
Most recent submission 2022: Abiogenesis: The Carter argument reconsidered (Accepted in International Journal of Astrobiology)
Family: Married with three exceptional sons: Jason, who is a full Professor of Microbiology and Genetics at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Ganer, who is 17 and an awarded-winning expert programmer and has his own Axiomless-logic theory of everything , and my stepson Travis who is an army veteran, a graduate of the University of South Florida, and a profitable Bitcoin enthusiast. I have two grandchildren, Sophia (19), who is a sophomore at Emory University, and Dylan (15). My wife Sabra (age unknown) is an antiques dealer specializing in old dolls (and old professors).